sweeney珊 的 TAG ! @_@''
Akira 所释放出来的TAG病毒! 呼呼~
好了! 先医饱肚子才慢慢解答所有的问题! ...

早餐有我最爱吃的 Cheese Cake !!! =P
(有谁和我一样喜欢吃 cheese cake 的请举手!...不过我不会请你们吃的! 咔咔咔!)*****
吃饱了就开始作答吧~1.What's your ambition?
A : 设计师吧~ ^^
2.Who is more important to you?Friends or Boy/Girlfriend?
A : 当然是朋友咯! 朋友是自己找回来的家人嘛! =P
3. What kind of pictures do you like to take ?
A : 除了裸照 ! 一切都 OK ! 不要太做作就好了!
4.Do you think you have enough confidence?
A : NO ! I hav not enough confidence at all !!!
5.How many babies you want?
A : 2-3 ! 不要跟我生出 '' 家-好-月-圆-庆-中-秋'' ! @_@
6.Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
A : why not ?!
7.What is your goal for this year?
A : 当然是顺顺利利考完 STPM 咯! ^^
8.Do you believe in eternity love?
A : hmm....没意见!
9.Are you slacking now?
A : NO! I'm buzying to prepare for my exam ! >.<''
10.What feeling do you love the most?
A : 成就感
11.What do you usually have for your late night snack?
A: 不肯定的喔...有时候会吃饭来当我的夜宵!
12.If there's anything you want to tell the ppl you hate?
A: 他妈的鸡蛋糖水!!!
13.Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
A: 当然! 你我都需要彼此的关心~ ^^
14.What does 'flying' means to you?
A: Freedom ! I believe I can fly , I believe I can touch the sky~~
15.What do you crave for the most currently?
A: 渴望自己有个无忧无虑的生活, 有自己的家庭,自己的事业...几好啊!
16.Describe the person who tagged you in 5 words :
A: 奇怪的女生, 时而疯癫, 时而沉默, 爱浪漫又爱刺激! 她自认的!
17.What have you done to yourself make yourself happy?
A: 想一些自己自创无厘头且超冷的笑话~!XDD
18.What will you become in another 10 years to come?
A: 一个差不多年过30的上班族!
19.Which place used to be your favourite destination but now you hate the most?
A: 学校的办公室!我知道我对
20.How many years have you been blogging?
A: 11个月了! 快要一周年了咧!Yuhuuuu~
since there are no limit for me to tag other,so i decide to end this tag ! kakaka.... =D